45 stratego yld
Stratego YLD Grower Success Stories - Bayer Crop Science “We've found Stratego YLD makes even more difference in dry years vs. a wet year ... Stratego YLD Fungicide FAQ - Bayer Crop Science With its powerful triazole component, Stratego YLD is effective on a broad range ...
PDF Aerial Application Advantages of Stratego Yld Fungicide Bayer. Stratego YLD is not registered in all states. For additional product information, call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at CR0212STRYLDA007VR00 Stratego YLD provides broad-spectrum disease protection that can bump up yield potential (vs.untreated corn on the left).

Stratego yld
Stratego YLD Fungicide Labels & MSDS - Bayer Crop Science View labels & MSDS for Stratego YLD Fungicide featuring the latest triazole ... Stratego YLD Application at the R3 growth stage of Soybean Soil pH 6.0 Organic Matter No Value Methodology This experiment was conducted at Douglas county. Soybeans were planted on May 22, 2020 at a population of 160,000 Seeds/acre in 30-inch rows. Stratego YLD fungicide was applied at R3 growth stage of soybean with the rate of 4 oz/ac in 90-foot-wide strips, which had 5 replications. Stratego YLD Fungicide Resources - Bayer Crop Science Find resources for Bayer Stratego YLD fungicide including articles, ...
Stratego yld. Stratego YLD Fungicide Registered Crops - Bayer Crop Science View EPA approved crops for Stratego YLD Fungicide featuring latest triazole ... PDF STOP - Read the label before use KEEP OUT OF REACH OF ... - DoMyOwn.com Stratego YLD Fungicide alone or in combination with other pesticides, which are registered for application through irrigation systems, may be applied through irrigation systems. Apply this product only through center pivot, solid set, hand move, or moving wheel irrigation systems. Stratego YLD Fungicide Use & Mixing - Bayer Crop Science Stratego YLD Fungicide is compatible with most insecticide, fungicide, and ... Timing is everything: fungicide and insecticide ... - Farm Progress Fungicides that were given a PFR Proven stamp in 2016 at the R3 application timing include: Priaxor ®, Stratego ® YLD, and Preemptor™ SC. Priaxor is a combination of a strobilurin and carboxamide fungicide that four-year data has shown to provide a yield advantage of 3.8 Bu./A. at a 4 oz. rate. Stratego YLD is comprised of a combination of ...
2109-PFR-PROVEN-FUNGICIDE - Practical Farm Research Stratego YLD fungicide combines triazole technology with strobilurin chemistry for disease control in soybeans. It provides both preventative and curative activity and more systemic movement. Key Benefits: Lower use rate allows for easier handling, storage, and mixing ZOLERA® FX Stratego YLD Fungicide | Crop Science US Stratego YLD Key Benefits Proven Disease Control Highly effective on a broad range of diseases in corn, soybean, barley and wheat Higher Yield Potential Sustainable, long-lasting disease protection for improved profit potential Tankmix Compatibility Compatible with most crop protection products, including herbicides, insecticides and adjuvants Which Soybean Fungicide Should You Spray and When ... - Hefty Seed Company While Stratego YLD is still very popular and less expensive, we expect many people to go to Delaro Complete since it contains the same actives as Stratego YLD plus the SDHI component. Priaxor plus Slant (generic propiconazole, the a.i. in Tilt). This should cost $10 to $13, depending on if you qualify for the rebate. BASF has a program for many ... Stratego® YLD - Corn & Soybean Fungicide Stratego YLD offers progressive movement in the leaf and redistribution properties that provide sustainable, long-lasting disease protection:! § Diffuses in and on the waxy surfaces of the plant! § Protects plants with systemic transport in the tissue! § Expands protection with movement in surface moisture! § Unique characteristics allow ...
Statewide soybean foliar fungicide evaluation in 2020 The yield response for Lucento, Acropolis, Veltyma, Quadris Top, Revytek, and Stratego YLD averaged between 1.5-2.5 bu/ac and the yield response for Aproach Prima, Miravis Neo, and Affiance averaged between 2.5-3.2 bu/ac (Table 1). This research is a good reminder that soybean foliar fungal diseases need moisture to develop. Stratego YLD Fungicide ROI at a Glance | Crop Science US Just add Stratego ® YLD at a size-appropriate rate, as low as 2 oz/A, to your postemergence herbicide tankmix. You'll see improved stalk strength with reduced risk of lodging and green snap, and enjoy preventive and curative activity against gray leaf spot, leaf blights and rusts for improved profit potential. IT PAYS TO SPRAY AT TASSEL. PDF PRODuCT INfORMATION - Langfritz Seed • Low Rates - Stratego YLD protects corn and soybean plants from disease with rates as low as 4 fl oz/A. • Long-ngi -Lat s Stratego YLD can provide up to 21 days of residual activity due to its retention and redistribution properties. For more information on Stratego YLD ask your local Bayer CropScience representative or call 1-866-992 ... Stratego YLD + Laudis - Fungicides - Bayer Crop Science A tankmix of Laudis and Stratego YLD applied between the V4 and V7 growth stages ...
PDF Bayer CropScience STRATEGO® YLD FUNGICIDE MSDS Version 1.0 Page 4 of 8 Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables, use detergent and warm/tepid water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry. Eye/Face Protection Tightly fitting safety goggles Hand protection
PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET STRATEGO® YLD FUNGICIDE - Sunspot Supply STRATEGO® YLD FUNGICIDE 4/11 Version 3.0 / USA Revision Date: 08/26/2019 102000020519 Print Date: 08/27/2019 SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE Precautions for safe handling Advice on safe handling Maintain exposure levels below the exposure limit through the use of general and local exhaust ventilation. Handle and open container in a
Stratego YLD Fungicide - DoMyOwn.com Stratego YLD Fungicide is a highly effective liquid formulation that provides long-lasting protection against diseases on soybeans, corns, barley, chickpea, dry peas, lentils, and wheat.
Stratego YLD - BAYER fungicide Stratego YLD Fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide for the improved plant health and control of certain diseases in barley, corn, soybeans, and wheat. Stratego YLD Fungicide contains two fungicide active ingredients and works by interfering with respiration in plant pathogenic fungi, inhibition of spore germination, and by blocking fungal growth.
Stratego® Yield Fungicide - Reichman Sales & Service Stratego® YLD Fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide for the improved plant health and control of certain diseases in barley, corn, soybeans, and wheat. STRATEGO is a registered trademark of Bayer. Disclaimer: Purchaser is responsible to read the Product Label and Use requirements for this product.
Agronomy Answers Yield Jun/Jul 2020 |Early Fungicide Applications in Corn At this spray timing the plants are still relatively small. The recommended use rates are roughly half what the rates are at tassel, so that helps keep the costs down, too. For example, Priaxor is often used at 2 ounces and Stratego YLD at 2.5 ounces around V5. There are many different, effective, multiple mode of action fungicides out there.
What's the Best Corn Fungicide? | Hefty Seed Company Stratego YLD has a lower level of Proline and more Gem compared to Delaro, so that's why we usually prefer Delaro. BASF OPTIONS. In the eastern Corn Belt, Headline AMP (Headline plus Caramba) has been the most popular fungicide for many years. My number one complaint was also price, but now the full rate is down to $15 per acre.
Stratego YLD Fungicide Key Pests - Bayer Crop Science The list of pests controlled or suppressed by this product are from the ...
Shop | FBN Stratego® YLD Product label Unavailable Group 11 3 Fungicide Active Ingredients Prothioconazole (1.05 lbs/gal); Trifloxystrobin (3.13 lbs/gal) Free Shipping over $5,000 0% Financing** Direct to Farm Delivery Product details Resources Instructions Label Safety Data Sheet Price Transparency
Stratego YLD Application at the R3 growth stage of Soybean Soil pH 6.0 Organic Matter No Value Methodology This experiment was conducted at Douglas county. Soybeans were planted on May 22, 2020 at a population of 160,000 Seeds/acre in 30-inch rows. Stratego YLD fungicide was applied at R3 growth stage of soybean with the rate of 4 oz/ac in 90-foot-wide strips, which had 6 replications.
Should you apply fungicide on soybeans? | Farm Progress In order from highest to lowest average net return, they are: Miravis Top, Stratego YLD, Trivapro, Lucento, Priaxor, Miravis Neo, Zolera FX and Delaro 325SC. Timing matters. The Beck's PFR team also compared timing of application based on growth stage. After seven years of fungicide application with insecticides, net ROI when the application ...
Kristofer Shrestha - Head of Applied Data - Raytheon ... - LinkedIn Bayer CropScience Digital Farming: Stratego YLD Trials May 2016 Other authors. DTN MarketVision powered by FarmLink DTN / The Progressive Farmer Nov 2015 Other authors. See publication ...
Stratego YLD Fungicide FAQ | Crop Science US Stratego YLD fights disease on both leaves and stalks, which keeps plants standing healthier for longer, which results in improved harvestability. These stronger, healthier plants are less prone to lodging; harvesting lodged corn forces you to reduce speed to minimize yield losses, but slower speeds increase harvest expenses.
Stratego YLD Fungicide Labels & MSDS | Crop Science US Stratego YLD Fungicide EPA # 0000264-01093-AA-0000000 States Registered AL AR AZ CA CO CT DE FL GA IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY - Registered States. Primary Documents. Stratego_YLD1k_Fungicide_Label.pdf - Label. English - MSDS. Spanish - MSDS.
Stratego YLD | Bayer CropScience | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Stratego YLD Bayer CropScience. Labels. Label SDS SDS. Snapshot ID: 48798 Active ingredients Trifloxystrobin Prothioconazole Classification. 11. Fungicide. WSSA mode of action complex III of fungal respiration: ubiquinol oxidase, Qo site Classification. 3. Fungicide. WSSA mode of action C14-demethylation in sterol biosynthesis.
PDF US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, STRATEGO YLD FUNGICIDE, 10/19/2012 • Stratego YLD Fungicide alone or in combination with other pesticides, which are registered for application through irrigation systems, may be applied through irrigation systems. Apply this product only through center pivot, solid set, hand move, or moving wheel irrigation systems.
Stratego YLD pricing - Agriculture.com Community Stratego YLD pricing. I called around to get some prices on Stratego YLD fungicide. The guy I buy most of my stuff from quoted me $800 per 2 1/2 gallon jug. Another big dealer wanted $625. The dealer who is usually most expensive charges $583.
Stratego Yld | AG Chemical Stratego Yld. Login To View Prices. Description; Reviews (0) 2x2.5 gallons. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the first to review "Stratego Yld" Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *
PDF STRATEGO YLD Fungicide DIRECTIONS FOR USE - CDMS Stratego YLD Fungicide may be applied by ground, air or chemigation. Restrictions: Do not apply more than 2 applications of Stratego YLD Fungicide per season. Do not apply more than 4.6 fl. oz. per acre per year. Do not apply after Feekes growth stage 8 (the ligule of the flag leaf emerges). Do not apply within 40 days of harvest.
Stratego YLD Fungicide Resources - Bayer Crop Science Find resources for Bayer Stratego YLD fungicide including articles, ...
Stratego YLD Application at the R3 growth stage of Soybean Soil pH 6.0 Organic Matter No Value Methodology This experiment was conducted at Douglas county. Soybeans were planted on May 22, 2020 at a population of 160,000 Seeds/acre in 30-inch rows. Stratego YLD fungicide was applied at R3 growth stage of soybean with the rate of 4 oz/ac in 90-foot-wide strips, which had 5 replications.
Stratego YLD Fungicide Labels & MSDS - Bayer Crop Science View labels & MSDS for Stratego YLD Fungicide featuring the latest triazole ...
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