44 zyrox fly bait label
Zyrox Fly Granular Bait - Farm Pest Control, Ready to use bait | Syngenta Innovative Fly Control Zyrox ® Fly granular bait is the most attractive and longest lasting solution for the control of flies, delivering a cleaner and healthier environment in rural and urban settings. Zyrox ® Fly is formulated as a highly palatable bait that will readily attract and control flies. PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460 Subject: PRIA Label Amendment - Amendment of the Zyrox Fly Granular Bait to add cockroach claims . Product Name: Zyrox Fly Granular Bait . EPA Registration Number: 100-1541 Application Date: 08 April 2020 . Decision Number: 561940 . Dear Mr. Hampton: The amended label referred to above, submitted in connection with registration under the Federal
PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460 Zyrox Fly Granular Bait 100-1541 4 DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read and understand the entire label before using this product. Zyrox Fly Granular Bait must be used in accordance with the directions for use on this

Zyrox fly bait label
Professional Pest Control Products & Info from Veseris Email Zyrox Granular Fly Bait Technical Info Link. Product: Zyrox Granular Fly Bait; Document Type: Technical Info; Email Address of Recipient Message To Recipient. ... All product label and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information is provided by LabelSDS.com. All transactions involving this Product(s) are subject to ES OpCo USA LLC Standard Terms ... Oldham Chemical Company. Zyrox Fly Granular Bait Zyrox® fly granular bait provides effective control of house flies with a novel chemistry and a highly attractive formulation. Key Features. ... (see product label) Key Benefits. Zyrox has no documented resistance and is an ideal rotational product in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Insect Resistance Management (IRM) programs; Zyrox Fly Granular Bait - Clear View Enterprises Zyrox Fly Granular Bait is an advanced solution for fly control: Contains a unique active ingredient to help with resistance management; Bait matrix is both highly attractive and palatable to flies; ... *For a complete list of application sites, please read the label. Zyrox Fly Granular Bait ...
Zyrox fly bait label. Zyrox Fly Granular Bait - ePestControl.com Zyrox Fly Granular Bait Active Ingredients: Cyantraniliprole.....0.5% Zyrox Fly Granular Bait EPA Reg. No. 100-1541 Zyrox Fly Granular Bait Size: 4 lb bucket Zyrox Fly Granular Bait Class: Anthranilic diamide Zyrox Fly Granular Bait Category: Insecticide, Concentrate, Granular, House Flies Zyrox Fly Granular Bait Manufacturer: Syngenta Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Zyrox Fly Granular Bait Against ... We also tested Zyrox bait against B. asahinai in an invasive field population in North Carolina at the label rate (2 g/m (2)) and at approximately three times the label rate (6.9 g/m (2)), and found that broadcast applications at both rates reduced populations by an average of 64 and 92%, respectively, for 35 d after the initial application. Zyrox Fly Bait - Where to buy Zyrox Fly Granular Bait - 4 Lb Apply 0.2 lb (3.2 oz) of Zyrox Fly Granular Bait per 1,000 sq ft when fly populations are low, and use 0.4 lb (6.4 oz) of bait per 1,000 sq ft when populations are high. Reapply bait every 7 days until fly population is at acceptable levels. Use in Bait Stations Use commercially available bait stations that are designed to hold granular baits. PDF ZYROX® Fly Granular Bait - PestWeb ZYROX® Fly Granular Bait 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Have the product container, label or Safety Data Sheet with you when calling Syngenta (800-888-8372), a poison contol center or doctor, or going for treatment. If swallowed: Call Syngenta (800-888-8372), a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice.
Zyrox Fly Bait Label - Zyrox Fly Bait - Rumisa Karataev Zyrox® fly granular bait must be used in accordance with the directions for use on this label, in separately issued labeling or exemptions under fifra ( . 2 means some fly baits are not as affective as they once were. Zyrox, with cyantraniliprole is a . Zyrox fly granular bait has a lower bulk density than most competitor fly baits. ZYROX FLY GRANULAR BAIT - Pest Control Equipment - Agrofog.com Once a fly ingest Zyrox, effects can be seen within minutes. Coordinated movement stops rapidly, followed by lethargy, paralysis and death of the fly , providing quick relief and protection from nuisance flies. • Contains a unique active ingredient to help with resistance management • Bait matrix is both highly attractive and palatable to flies PDF Insecticide - Animal Health Product Documents, SDS, Labels Apply 0.2 lb (3.2 oz) of Zyrox Fly Granular Bait per 1,000 sq ft when fly populations are low, and use 0.4 lb (6.4 oz) of bait per 1,000 sq ft when populations are high. Reapply bait every 7 days until fly population is at acceptable levels. Use in Bait Stations Use commercially available bait stations that are designed to hold granular baits. PDF FLIES HAVE SOMETHING NEW ON THEIR MENU. - Agrofog % flies at each bait 0 Zyrox® Fly Granular Bait 0.5% Maxforce® Granular Fly Bait 0.5% QuikStrike® Fly Scatter Bait 0.5% Maxforce® Fly Spot Bait 10% Golden Malrin® Fly Bait 1.1% House Fly Attraction Lab Trial - Florida* *All fly baits tested except Zyrox contained a pheromone. Source: University of Florida, Phil Koehler, Ph.D. PRO12714, 2012
Zyrox Fly Granular Bait - Farm Pest Control | Syngenta Innovative Fly Control Zyrox®Fly granular bait is the most attractive and longest lasting solution for the control of flies, delivering a cleaner and healthier environment in rural and urban settings. Zyrox®Fly is formulated as a highly palatable bait that will readily attract and control flies. Professional Pest Management | Syngenta Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use. The trademarks displayed or otherwise used herein are trademarks or service marks of a Syngenta Group Company or third parties. Syngenta Customer Center: 1-866-SYNGENT (A) (796-4368). Fly Control on Farms | Cyanarox™ Insecticidal Bait - Zoecon Cyanarox™ Insecticidal Bait can also be used in rotation with other baits, such as QuikStrike ® Fly Bait and Golden Malrin ® Fly Bait to fight resistance. Ready-to-use formulation No dust during application Single granule controls up to 95 flies Low bulk density Product Size 4 lb pail SDS Specimen Label Fact Sheet Pests Controlled Flies Zyrox Fly Granular Bait - Industrial Fumigant Company Zyrox Fly Granular Bait must be used in accordance with the directions for use on this label, or exemptions under FIFRA (Special Local Need Registrations, FIFRA Section 18 exemptions, FIFRA 2(ee) Bulletins). Always read the entire label, including the Limitation of Warranty and Liability.
PDF Syngenta Zyrox Label - domyown.com Zyrox® Fly Granular Bait is a ready-to-use granular bait. Zyrox Fly Granular Bait contains 0.005 lb cyantraniliprole per pound of product. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Si usted no entiende la etiqueta, busque a alguien para que se la explique a usted en detalle. (If you do not understand the label, find someone to explain it to you in detail.)
Zyrox Fly Bait - DIY) Pest Control Zyrox Granular Fly Bait is a quick acting, ready to use product that helps you effectively control the population of house flies on your property. Its active ingredient is called Cyantraniliprole. This ingredient paralyzes the fly's muscular system, keeping them from getting to unwanted areas.
Federal Label and SDS Search | Professional Pest Management - Syngenta Should you need additional information regarding California or any other state product labels please use the Field Representative Finder application within this Web site or contact the Syngenta Customer Resource Center at 866-796-4368 for accurate label use prior to buying and using the product. © 2022 Syngenta.
PDF ZYROX® Fly Granular Bait - Colonial Pest ZYROX® Fly Granular Bait 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Have the product container, label or Safety Data Sheet with you when calling Syngenta (800-888-8372), a poison contol center or doctor, or going for treatment. If swallowed: First aid measures are not normally required.
Zyrox Granular Fly Bait from Syngenta - VPSI Syngenta's Zyrox is a ready-to-use granular fly control bait for use in and around residential, commercial, and agricultural structures to control house flies. The active ingredient in Zyrox is a brand new insecticide for fly control. Currently, Zyrox has limited distributorship with Vet Poultry being one of the official distributors.
PDF Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Zyrox Fly Granular Bait Against ... We also tested Zyrox bait against B. asahinai in an invasive field population in North Carolina at the label rate (2g/m2) and at approxi- mately three times the label rate (6.9g/m2), and found that broadcast applications at both rates reduced popula- tions by an average of 64 and 92%, respectively, for 35d after the initial application.
PDF FLIES HAVE SOMETHING NEW ON THEIR MENU. - Clear View Enterprises % flies at each bait 0 Zyrox ® Fly Granular Bait 0.5% Maxforce® Granular Fly Bait 0.5% QuikStrike Fly Scatter Bait 0.5% Maxforce® Fly Spot Bait 10% Golden Malrin® Fly Bait 1.1% House Fly Attraction Lab Trial - Florida* *All fly baits tested except Zyrox contained a pheromone. Source: University of Florida, Phil Koehler, Ph.D. PRO12714, 2012
PDF Zyrox Fly Granular Bait ZYROX FLY GRANULAR BAIT Version1-This version replaces all previous versions. Revision Date 22.10.2014 Print Date 22.10.2014 Version1 Page 1of 12 ... General advice : Have the product container, label or Material Safety Data Sheet with you when calling the Syngenta emergency number, a poison control center or physician, or going for treatment.
Cyanarox Granular Fly Bait 4 lb. - SiteOne Select From 2 Products. StrongBox Controller Enclosure Front Entry 2 Doors Stainless Steel 36 in. W x 36 in. H x 12 in. D. Retail Price. $5,825.92 / Each. Log in to See Your Price. Contact Your Branch. 1-800-748-3663.
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